What We Do

Your vision plus our expertise equals new impulse to your growth.

Pickrays is a collective of hands-on startup experts helping founders and entrepreneurs scale and accelerate their businesses.

Who We Are

No one does what we do, the way we do it.

We’re a full-service Gen-Z-run digital agency – offering innovative, results-driven solutions that harness the highest immediate return in digital + business. With core services anchored around digital strategy, content creation, web development, consulting, business development & viral promotion, we cut the fluff and bring projects from plan to production with hands-off execution + results you can appreciate. 

Pickrays creatives

7 Years Experiences

We’re with you, rolling up our sleeves to work shoulder-to-shoulder on your toughest business challenges
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Satisfied Clients
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Expert Team
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Projects Done
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Answers Provided

Learn more from frequently asked question

We help businesses and personal brands with answers to their needs. This usually consists of some or all of the following services:

  • Business plan development
  • Strategy development
  • Financial analysis
  • General coaching and advisory services
  • Website development
  • and many more.

The actual time can be influenced by the quality of your existing materials, the level of your participation, the complexity of your market and business model, and our current workload.

Only if you’re always right. One of our jobs is to help you avoid mistakes. We’ll challenge your ideas and assumptions so that you’ll be ready for the tough questions when you meet with investors.

In general, we charge a pre-determined fixed fee. The fee is determined by: the scope of the project, the sophistication and specific needs of your target audience, the quality of your existing materials. 
After all, would you choose one car over another simply because of price? Of course not – there are many dimensions you need to consider.

Very quickly, certainly within the first 90 days. It is worth stating though that Pickrays is only effective if you are committed to learning and implementing change, and are open to being helped and taught how to improve your business. If you have been in business for a while you will know that ‘quick fixes’ don’t work and meaningful improvement takes time.

We make business successful!

Together we are change agents, pushing against the biggest odds to create a world that makes us proud. So, what do you say, let’s change the world together.

Make a free consultation with us.

    Our Partners

    Here are few of the many cleints we've worked with.

    We’ve been lucky to collaborate with a long list of businesses, startups, and SMEs located in and out of the country. Thanks to them we have grown as professionals.

    We are available 24 x 7 x 365
    Call us at:
    Steps to start

    Some easy steps to get started!

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    All great businesses and projects begin with just an idea. Whatever your idea is, we will be glad to be part it.
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    Consult with us!

    We value experimentation, the reformation of your idea. We are with you every step of the way, refining and developing your idea.
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    Lets get to work 🤞

    The clock is ticking. The world is waiting to be part of your business. We are rolling our sleeves, working with you shoulder-to-shoulder in building your dreams.
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    Need a new website? An online store to sell your products? Branding help? Outbound marketing strategy?
    Someone nice to eat lunch with?

    Pickrays Phone
    Our Blog

    You want answers?

    Follow our latest thoughts which focus exclusively on ideas, SMEs, finance, growth hack, and also work updates.

    Stay ahead in a rapidly changing world. Subscribe to our Insights.

    Office Locations
    We have many brunches to help you!
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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)