
Leader in learning and development


We are empowering learning and development in individuals and teams with the breakthrough skills they need to drive progress, increase efficiency, and improve collaboration

Digital marketing is the use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other channels to reach consumers.

Pickrays drive better business outcomes for your brand with our proven approach to cross-channel media management and customer experience. We help clients reach their audience at every stage of the purchasing funnel with a unique approach to maximizing the performance of every money spent across all digital channels.

We take a client-focused approach toward partnering with brands to assess their business, their needs, and their audience. For some, a clean, modern website is the primary objective, but for others, there is the need for a holistic approach that encompasses content, social media managing, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), email marketing, and a multi-channel approach to brand and business development.

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Pickrays offer training like no other. We bring a uniquely experiential approach to learning and development; using our highly interactive and innovative methodology.


02. Collaborate

We work with brands to outline their objectives and set short and long-term goals.

04. Execute

We execute your strategy to connect your brand to the people who matter the most to it.

01. Market Research

We conduct market research to understand your brand’s potential and make informed decisions.

03. Strategy

With research, data and a human-first approach, we develop multi-channel marketing strategies with your primary goals and objectives mind.

05. Optimize

We adjust digital marketing strategy, optimizing campaigns and implementing new findings to improve clients ROI.
pickrays About

Here are few answered questions

Yes we can, and we will. Part of the core service we render is Search Engine Optimization, we will run your website through our optimal tools to see what the problem is about your site, and we provide adequate solutions to fixing it.

Yes 😊 we will gladly bring your business to the right customers. We help clients reach their audience at every stage of the purchasing funnel with a unique approach to maximizing the performance of every money spent across all digital channels.

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See how we work with touch of experience


We're your development partner. We stand for excellence!

We help forward-thinking clients succeed in digital culture. Together we face the challenges and celebrate the victories.

Like What We Offer?


Lets build your next project with a touch of excellence and finesse. You are assured of a properly developed website that is responsive and scalable.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)