Business Development

initiatives aimed towards making your business better


We help clients solve business problems by fusing creativity, innovation, strategy, and craft.

Business development entails tasks and processes to develop and implement growth opportunities within and between organizations.

We help you craft a compelling value proposition being one of the most important steps in developing your product and business.

We also help you to identify the most critical next steps, help get them executed and advise for greater return on investment. 

We ask the big questions starting from who is your customer, what problems you are trying to solve, how does your product solve the market problem, and what are the key features that might give you a headstart, then encourage you to start with a business model canvas.

See Some Related Projects We've Done

See how we turn ideas into real life products.

From a naive business idea on a scribble pad to a solid document articulating feature scoping, use cases and milestone definition, we lay out the scope of your project along with your collaboration.


02. User Testing

There’s nothing worse than building on wrong assumptions, so before product development, we will help you quickly validate your concept. By preparing user interviews to verify your personas and usability testing to improve the UX of your products our team will increase your chance of success on the market.

04. Web Development

We started as a custom software development company. Our developers excel at both frontend and backend sides using the latest technologies and best practices. Together with product managers and quality assurance specialists, they deliver the end-to-end product for you.

06. Scrum Team Augmentation

Once your MVP has been built, it’s time for maintenance and set up of a product development roadmap to keep on growing. We’ll make sure there are no bugs and develop your custom product to its full potential. We can deploy a dedicated Scrum Team for you, on-demand!

01. Product Discovery

Do you have an idea of a product or service and want to bring it to life? We can provide you with a full custom software development starting with a series of Design Thinking workshops. We will define with you a detailed roadmap, refine the value proposition delivery, and design a clickable prototype that will let you test your concept.

03. Product Design

A tailor-made approach to bring visual value to your project. Our teams of strategists and UX/UI designers are always ready to create stunning interfaces and branding from scratch for new custom products or to provide UX and UI design for existing apps.

05. MVP Development

Ready to get your product up and running? We’ve got your back all the way - from choosing the adequate scope for the first release and deciding on the technology, through project management and product ownership, up to the roll-out.
pickrays About

Here are few answered questions

Our team will take your idea, break it down into pieces and put it back together into an MVP ready for market fit testing.

Yes, we register businesses and companies with Corporate Affairs Commission. We make this process fast and stress-free. We register business names, limited liability companies, NGOs, associations, institutions, etc. 

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We're your development partner. We stand for excellence!

We help forward-thinking clients succeed in digital culture. Together we face the challenges and celebrate the victories.

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Lets collaborate with you in bringing that your business idea to life. The world is waiting!

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)