Web Development

Ideas to elegant web realities


We believe your website is the natural extension of your brand’s story that sets the tone for your online presence.

Web design should be three things: human-centered, compelling and future-proof. Our design starts with End-users. We break away from thinking like conventional designers, marketers, and thinkers. Hence for us, it starts with the end-users.

Your website is a key communication tool for your business. It sells and educates. It explains and promotes. It helps you build a relationship with your customers.

That’s where Pickrays® comes in. We cover everything website-related, from design and illustration to copywriting, development, and support. We develop all kind of sites for all kinds of people:
1. Personal brands/portfolio. 2. Small to Medium Businesses. 3. Associations 4. Big enterprises.

See Some Related Projects We've Done

Our Web Development Processes in a Nutshell

I ensure that every step in the design process is followed diligently, and the result is a mobile-friendly stunning B2B/ B2C design that acquires, retains and delights your user.


02. Research

We conduct extensive research on your industry, competitors, and audience to construct a tailored strategy and design

04. Content Strategy

Working collaboratively with your team, we determine what content is necessary and useful for your website

05. Design

We design the graphics and visual elements needed to bring your website to life. We make the design responsive, resulting in a website that looks good on all devices

01. Identify

The process starts with understanding your brand, needs, business objectives and goals for your website.

03. UX/UI

We develop a sitemap and wireframe of your project to define the key features, functionalities, and structure of your new website.

06. Test & Proofing

We test the website on multiple devices and browsers, and have you and your selected users proof the website before launch.

07. Launch

When all is ready and proofed by you, the grand moment has come: We launch your website to the world!
pickrays About

Here are few answered questions

I believe your website is the natural extension of your brand’s story that sets the tone for your online presence.

I believe your website is the natural extension of your brand’s story that sets the tone for your online presence.

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See how we work with touch of experience


We're your development partner. We stand for excellence!

We help forward-thinking clients succeed in digital culture. Together we face the challenges and celebrate the victories.

Like What We Offer?


Lets build your next project with a touch of excellence and finesse. You are assured of a properly developed website that is responsive and scalable.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)