About us

We harness digital channels to create real business value.

We are a creative and digital agency with an innovative mindset that empowers global experiences, from strategy and design to innovation in our ever-changing digital world.

We bring more than 7 years of senior experience forging
collaborations across platforms.

What We Belief

Call to ask any question +2348065013009
about gap

Joseph John

(CEO and founder)
pickrays About

Your vision plus our expertise equals new impulse to your growth.

We’ve proudly partnered with start-ups, companies and everyone in between to unlock value through creativity, technology, and business-minded thinking.

See How We Do What We Do

We are happy to contribute to our clients’ success

We collaborate with innovative brands to create cutting-edge digital experiences. See some of our works.

See some more of our works
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We Provide Answers

About Pickrays Limited

We are your strategic growth partner.
We know what it’s like to build a business and face hard decisions. There are times when you need fresh eyes and sharp minds to maximize your value.
Pickrays is a collective of hands-on startup experts helping founders and entrepreneurs scale and accelerate their businesses.
Nobody ever changed the world by playing it safe. We’ll break out of convention and disrupt your thinking. Whether it’s a new kind of business model or a revolutionary product, we’ll buck the status quo to bring it to the world. You might have a bright idea, but if the world can’t see it clearly, it doesn’t stand a chance of breaking through the noise. Whether you’re an established firm making an impact or a start-up ready to revolutionize, you need a partner that gets it. A partner whose team has as many dreamers as strategists, a partner that knows the risks of pursuing radical ideas and has the discipline to scale and transform businesses. From visionary strategy to creative expression, we are dedicated to making brilliant ideas work for the real world. We work with clients who are motivated to solve our world’s biggest challenges, and know creating lasting value is the ultimate purpose of business growth. Together we are change agents, pushing against the biggest odds to create a world that makes us proud. So, what do you say, let’s change the world together.
Joseph John

Every client we work with becomes a part of the team.

We help forward-thinking clients succeed in digital culture. Together we face the challenges and celebrate the victories.

We can jump in at any stage of your project.

We help cross-functional teams develop and evolve ideas to bring together brand goals, retailer objectives, and consumer needs.

1 +
Satisfied Clients
1 +
Winning Awards
1 +
Projects Done
1 +
Answers Provided

You can learn more from our already asked questions

We provide extensive strategic consulting and startup development. Our passion is helping Small and Medium Scale (SMEs) businesses and early-stage impact businesses gain financial clarity through growth strategy and capital campaign readiness.

Our team will take your idea, break it down into pieces and put it back together into an MVP ready for market fit testing.

Yes we can, and we will. Part of the core service we render is Search Engine Optimization, we will run your website through our optimal tools to see what the problem is about your site, and we provide adequate solutions to fixing it.

Yes we do, with our team of expert business strategists, we provide answers to all your business needs.

No😊 we don't just advise, we get involved. We help clients reach their audience at every stage of the purchasing funnel with a unique approach to maximizing the performance of every money spent across all digital channels.

Let's create something amazing together

Do you need further clarity about a service we render, or you just want to know something little extra about us? 

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    At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goikussimos ducimus qui to bonfo blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque.

    Melbourne, Australia
    (Sat - Thursday)
    (10am - 05 pm)